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The Magic of Visual Journaling.

Visual journaling offers you a window into a wondrous – and oftentimes brave – new world. Each page of your journal offers you insights into your inner life, expressions of your experiences, and whimsical, imaginative, playful fun. Your journal takes you on an enchanting journey into creative liberation. 

Your journal becomes a safe place to play, muse, discover, and express your true self. 

Imagine color blooming on a white page. Open up to feelings of aliveness and relief as you scribble out your fears and frustrations. Play with paints, colors, textures and materials in surprising ways that urge you onward. 

There are no mistakes. No judgments allowed.

Discover an image that sparks an insight. Feel your stress melting away while you are deeply absorbed in creative flow. Your journal pages can be simple or elaborate. Some pages might be created in minutes; others may take days or weeks to complete. 

There is no right way, only the way that feels right to you in the process of creation.

I will be at your side, page by page. I will give you support and guidance, as you gain creative confidence. Find joy in your innate creativity, learn exciting new techniques, and express your authentic voice. Visual journaling is more than an art form. It is a practice that will lead you home to yourself.

It’s a simple, wide-open process. 

You combine writing and images in a sketchbook as you become your own guide to:   

  • Reflect on your life’s experiences
  • Give form to your hopes and dreams
  • Express your feelings – all of them
  • Gather inspiration, make plans, sort through problems 
  • Chronicling events and insights
  • Brainstorming ideas, inspirations and innovations
  • Play and have great creative fun

I offer visual journaling work of all kinds: ongoing classes, groups, workshops, as well as private events to honor a special passage in your life.

Upcomming workshop March 16, 1-4 pm. Offered through College of Marin – click to register

Held in-person. Cost: $74.00

“I want you to know that my experience in your class was remarkable. You are a gifted insightful and kind teacher who has inspired me to “let go” and “just be”. Thank you!”
~ J.N., Class participant


Lunar Creation Circles
Jan. 11, 13

Learn more...

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