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Soul Collage®: Finding the Wisdom Within

Inside each of us exists a cast of characters: The Sage, the Fool, the Critic, the Rebel, and the Child to name a few.

Collage image of a dark-skinned woman holding a garden tool with flowers and bees around her.By combining collaged images, imagination and intuition you can give these characters form and voice in order to gain inner harmony and guidance.

In this engaging, experiential class you will receive the support needed to create your own deck of Soul Collage® cards.

Come and enjoy the magic of Soul Collage®.

In these workshops we will devote time to various aspects of the SoulCollage® method, making and learning from your cards!

No experience necessary! All you need to bring is a  Soul Collage card pack (also available for purchase from Annie)

“Thank you . . . The class really helped me process a lot of ‘stuff’ that had been churning for months. It was a great meditative process. I’m calmer, lighter and sleep better.”

Cost: $50

January 20, 10 am-12:30 pm. REGISTER

January 20, 1:30-4 pm. REGISTER

Held in-person in San Rafael at Annie’s Studio

“It is by honoring and naming each of our parts that we become a new whole.”

~ Seena Frost,
SoulCollage Founder

Painting of a crescent moon with a woman's face

Lunar Creation Circles
Jan. 11, 13

Learn more...

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